Results for 'Matheus Vilaverde Lazzarotto'

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  1.  34
    Riqueza, imagem E expectativa na filosofia de Thomas Hobbes.Álvaro Lazzarotto - 2020 - Cadernos Espinosanos 42:297-315.
    Para elaborar sua filosofia civil, Thomas Hobbes preliminarmente se dedicou ao exame daquilo que constitui a república: o homem. Em sua análise da dinâmica afetivo-cognitiva humana, tecida a partir dos conceitos de sensação, imagem, linguagem e paixão, o conceito de imaginação é apresentado como um resíduo da experiência sensível no corpo. Como tal, uma imagem estará sujeita a se eclipsar sob a luz de imagens mais fortes ou mais recentes, que podem apagá-la da mente tomando o seu lugar. O ato (...)
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  2. Meio e forma em Niklas Luhmann: a limitacionalidade autoconstrutiva da sociedade.Rafael Lazzarotto Simioni - 2006 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 11 (2):133-162.
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  3. Expressões do trabalho em organizações públicas.Cli Grisci & G. Lazzarotto - forthcoming - Aletheia.
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  4. A Puzzle about Communication.Matheus Valente & Andrea Onofri - 2023 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (3):1035-1054.
    It seems plausible that successfully communicating with our peers requires entertaining the same thoughts as they do. We argue that this view is incompatible with other, independently plausible principles of thought individuation. Our argument is based on a puzzle inspired by the Kripkean story of Peter and Paderewski: having developed several variations of the original story, we conclude that understanding and communication cannot be modeled as a process of thought transfer between speaker and hearer. While we are not the first (...)
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  5. What is special about indexical attitudes?Matheus Valente - 2018 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 61 (7):692-712.
    In this paper, I assess whether indexical attitudes, e.g. beliefs and desires, have any special properties or present any special challenge to theories of propositional attitudes. I being by investigating the claim that allegedly problematic indexical cases are just instances of the familiar phenomenon of referential opacity. Regardless of endorsing that claim, I provide an argument to the effect that indexical attitudes do have a special property. My argument relies on the fact that one cannot account for what is it (...)
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  6. On Successful Communication, Intentions and False Beliefs.Matheus Valente - 2021 - Theoria 87 (1):167-186.
    I discuss a criterion for successful communication between a speaker and a hearer put forward by Buchanan according to which there is communicative success only if the hearer entertains, as a result of interpreting the speaker's utterance, a thought that has the same truth conditions as the thought asserted by the speaker and, furthermore, does so in virtue of recognizing the speaker's communicative intentions. I argue, against Buchanan, that the data on which it is based are compatible with a view (...)
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  7. Communicating and Disagreeing with Distinct Concepts: A Defense of Semantic Internalism.Matheus Valente - 2019 - Theoria 85 (4):312-336.
    I suggest a solution to a conflict between semantic internalism – according to which the concepts one expresses are determined by one's use of representations – and publicity – according to which, if two subjects successfully communicate or are in genuine agreement, then they entertain thoughts constituted by the same concepts. My solution rests on the thesis that there can be successful communication and genuine agreement between thinkers employing distinct concepts as long as there is a certain relation (of conceptually (...)
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    Search Strategies in the Perceptual-Motor Workspace and the Acquisition of Coordination, Control, and Skill.Matheus M. Pacheco, Charley W. Lafe & Karl M. Newell - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  9. Relationism and the Problem of Publicity.Matheus Valente & Víctor M. Verdejo - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 103 (3):645-669.
    According to a recently developed family of relational views, whether two concepts C1 and C2 are the same is a matter of an external relation in which their tokens stand. In this paper, we highlight the chief contributions of Relationism in the elucidation of concept sameness, present a set of arguments to the effect that relational accounts of concept sameness fail to accommodate a substantive notion of concept publicity, and offer a diagnosis of this result. We conclude that the strengths (...)
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    Critique and affirmation in Erich Fromm: humanistic politics and the psychoanalytic clinic.Matheus Romanetto - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Critique and Affirmation in Erich Fromm explores the relations between Erich Fromm's theory and practice in politics and the psychoanalytic clinic - their points of continuity and contradiction. Drawing on a systematic reading of Fromm's published output, as well as extensive research in the Fromm archives, Matheus Romanetto extracts the fragments of ontology, logic, and ethics implicit in his writings, leading to a re-evaluation of Fromm's place in 20th century intellectual history. Interpolated with the theoretical argument are three historical (...)
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  11.  19
    O pessimismo e suas razões: Schopenhauer como estudo de caso e direcionamentos metodológicos.Matheus Silva Freitas - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 12:e05.
    Nosso objetivo é tomar o pensamento de Schopenhauer como estudo de caso e ponto de partida para discutir em que medida o “pessimismo” pode ser fundamentado e reinterpretado segundo “razões objetivas”, conceitualmente filosóficas. Para intérpretes como Christopher Janaway e Frederick Beiser, a legitimidade filosófica do pessimismo schopenhaueriano, atribuído à tese de que a vida é um negócio que não cobre os custos do investimento, é garantida pelas implicações inferidas da metafísica da Vontade. Por outro lado, Kuno Fischer, acompanhado dentre outros (...)
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  12.  36
    Bifurcations on the road: Conflicting intentions and demonstrative reference.Matheus Valente - 2020 - Manuscrito 43 (4):116-129.
    This is a critical notice of Mario Gómez-Torrente's novel account of demonstrative reference presented in chapter 2 of the recently published book Roads to Reference. After presenting the main tenets of his view, I go on to critically examine a couple of its features. In section 2, I assess Gómez-Torrente’s assumption that demonstrative thought based on perception is less likely to succumb to indeterminacy than the others. I show that this aspect of his view invites unwelcome consequences regarding the transparency (...)
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  13. Top-down and bottom-up constraints in mechanistic inquiry.Matheus Diesel Werberich - 2023 - Controvérsia 19 (3):87 - 106.
    Mechanisms play a crucial role in scientific research across various disciplines, and philosophers of science have devoted significant effort into understanding their ontology and epistemology. This paper examines the relationship between mechanisms and phenomena, highlighting the inherent dependence of mechanistic delineation on the characterization of phenomena. By acknowledging that characterizing phenomena is influenced by pragmatic considerations and research interests, the paper argues that mechanistic inquiry is inherently shaped by researchers’ perspectives. This dependence raises concerns about the possibility of a realist (...)
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  14. A defense of causalist continuism.Matheus Diesel Werberich - manuscript
    Traditionally, philosophers consider the question of whether episodic memory and imagination belong to the same kind (the (dis)continuism problem) as ultimately depending on the causality question - i.e., whether remembering requires a causal connection to the past event. In this framework, if memory is a simulation process (as claimed by simulationism) and does not require a causal connection, then it is sufficiently similar to imagination and, thus, continuism follows. On the other hand, if a causal connection is necessary for memory (...)
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    Do economic determinants influence a faith phenomenon? Analysis of international pilgrimages to the Shrine of Fátima.Matheus Belucio, José Alberto Fuinhas, Carlos Vieira & Gutemberg Xavier dos Santos - 2024 - Horizonte 21 (65):e216503.
    The economy is part of everyday life in modern societies and is a crucial determinant of social well-being. For this reason, it is important to observe how economic determinants can influence a fundamental social phenomenon: faith. This paper analyzes how economic determinants influence international pilgrimages to the Shrine of Fátima (Portugal). A data panel from 2008 to 2022 was constructed, and a panel ARDL model was estimated. The results confirm the relationship between economics and homo religiosus. The cost of transportation, (...)
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  16. Entre a normatividade e a descrição: uma discussão sobre naturalismo e não-naturalismo em metaética.Matheus de Mesquita Silveira & Luca Nogueira Igansi - 2020 - Dissertatio 51:103-131.
    Este artigo visa compreender o estado da arte do naturalismo contemporâneo a partir da discussão com posições não naturalistas, em especial as de Moore e Rawls. Parte-se da análise do argumento central destas abordagens no contexto formal da metaética contemporânea, buscando aferir a validade da falácia naturalista no contexto atual, bem como de seus limites na aplicação contra o naturalismo moral. Apresenta-se a discussão entre o naturalismo e o não-naturalismo moral como, respectivamente, estandartes das perspectivas descritivas e prescritivas da moralidade. (...)
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    Determinantes econômicos influenciam um fenômeno de fé? Análise das peregrinações internacionais ao Santuário de Fátima.Matheus Belucio, José Alberto Fuinhas, Carlos Vieira & Gutemberg Xavier dos Santos - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (67):216503-216503.
    A economia faz parte do cotidiano das sociedades e suas relações interferem diretamente no bem-estar social. Por essa razão, é importante verificar como determinantes econômicos podem influenciar um fenômeno de fé. Neste artigo, analisamos como as peregrinações internacionais ao Santuário de Fátima (Portugal) são afetadas por fatores econômicos. Foi construído um painel de dados estatísticos de 2008 a 2022. Um modelo em painel ARDL foi estimado. Os resultados confirmam a relação entre a economia e o _homo religiosus_. As peregrinações internacionais (...)
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  18. A Metacognitive Approach to Memory Markers.Matheus Diesel Werberich - 2020 - Aporia 20:19-30.
    Given both the phenomenological and cognitive similarities between episodic memory and imagination, it’s difficult to say how we can reliably distinguish them at their moment of retrieval. Several memory markers have thus been proposed, which are characteristics that would reliably indicate to the subject that her mental state is an instance of memory. While the question of what exactly constitutes these memory markers is still an issue to be settled, there is also the more general question of whether they can (...)
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  19. (Dis)continuism and mechanisms.Matheus Diesel Werberich - unknown
    Today’s philosophers of memory are split between continuists, who claim that episodic memory (EM) and imagination (EI) belong to the same natural kind, and discontinuists, who defend that they don’t. This abstract considers how assumptions about which mechanisms are relevant for natural kindness shape this discussion. If the argument is in the right track, the (dis)continuism debate should be characterized as a verbal dispute about the important mechanisms for EM and EI.
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  20. Como ensinar filosofia em uma educação maior: uma análise bourdieunana do sistema de ensino.Matheus Diesel Werberich - 2020 - Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia - REFilo 6 (1):1-12.
    No presente artigo, constata-se o modo como o ensino de filosofia no Brasil, visto como educação maior, é utilizado como ferramenta da inculcação de um arbitrário cultural a partir de uma análise bourdieuana do sistema de ensino. Chegou-se à conclusão que a prioridade conferida ao texto clássico de filosofia no ensino médio é um modo de reprodução das mesmas estruturas sociais que permitem a impossibilidade de ascensão social. Com isso, é proposta uma educação menor, cuja constituição fundamental é a relação (...)
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    O discurso de Glauco e o nascimento do tirano em República II.Matheus Jorge do Couto Abreu Pamplona - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-30.
    Neste artigo, defenderei que o recurso à imagem de Giges que é feita por Glauco no livro II da República de Platão serve ao propósito de demonstrar que, dada a ambição (πλεονεξία) que é própria à natureza humana, a concessão de um poder ilimitado a quem quer que seja conduz fatalmente à tirania. Antes disso, contudo, reconstruirei a hipótese de Glauco para a origem da justiça e por fim sustentarei como Glauco, ao final do seu discurso, procura superar o plano (...)
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    A gênese da crítica marxista ao direito: um convite à leitura d’O papel revolucionário do direito e do Estado, de Piotr Stutchka [Resenha].Matheus Daltoé Assis - 2024 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 29 (1):502-513.
    Resenha do livro: STUTCHKA, Piotr. O papel revolucionário do direito e do Estado: teoria geral do direito. Org. Moisés Alves Soares, Ricardo Prestes Pazello. Trad.Paula Vaz de Almeida. São Paulo: Contracorrente, 2023. 397 p.
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  23. O dilema presentista.Matheus Diesel Werberich - 2019 - Em Curso 6 (1):105-114.
    The aim of the present paper is to show that presentism cannot answer the truthmaker objection in a satisfactory manner. For such, two main categories of presentist solutions were studied: the first kind states that truthmakers can’t provide any objection to presentism, while the second type tries to ground past truths by postulating new ontological categories, which were rejected, mainly because of their use of ad hoc ontologies. Also, I showed how the presentist should adopt antirealism about the past in (...)
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    Em busca de indícios do fetichismo da tecnologia na geografia crítica de Milton Santos.Matheus Henrique dos Santos - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (2):133-145.
    Os sistemas e objetos tecnológicos pelos quais os modos de vida são inundados na atualidade são elementos imprescindíveis tanto para a análise crítica quanto para a compreensão do tipo de sociedade a que se almeja pela participação democrática. Diante disso, se opta por pontos de vistas diametralmente opostos: as tecnologias são necessariamente boas e contribuem para o desenvolvimento humano ou são, por outro lado, mecanismos de desumanização gradual. O objetivo desta escrita é demarcar a possibilidade de uma crítica efetiva a (...)
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    The truth-functional hypothesis does not imply the liar’s paradox.Matheus Martins Silva - 2016 - Filosofia Unisinos 17 (3).
    The truth-functional hypothesis states that indicative conditional sentences and the material implication have the same truth conditions. Haze (2011) has rejected this hypothesis. He claims that a self-referential conditional, coupled with a plausible assumption about its truth-values and the assumption that the truth-functional hypothesis is true, lead to a liar’s paradox. Given that neither the self-referential conditional nor the assumption about its truth-values are problematic, the culprit of the paradox must be the truth-functional hypothesis. Therefore, we should reject it. In (...)
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    Comentário a “Breaking barriers in intercultural philosophy: the power of empathy and interrelationship”.Matheus Oliva da Costa - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (2):e02400312.
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    The role of liberty in smith's critique of feudal economy.Matheus de Mesquita Silveira - 2024 - Griot 24 (2):33-48.
    Smith's contribution to the discussion on market economics and its relationship with moral and politics is discussed in this article. It is argued that the author's economic approach is incorporated into the concept of natural liberty and that free trade represents his response to the feudal system to prevent corruption and inequality. The text focuses on reconstructing the Scottish philosopher's economic defense of market economics, including his criticisms of regulatory wage policies, guild systems, and grain provision. It is argued that (...)
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    Project of Concrete Psychology and Existential Psychoanalysis.Matheus Pereira Dias & Herivelto Pereira de Souza - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (1):145-161.
    In the text Critique of the Foundations of Psychology (1928) Georges Politzer (1903-1942) sought to investigate the epistemological bases of some currents of psychology. His intention was to reorient psychological studies toward a concreteconception. By analyzing Gestalt theory, Behaviorism, and Psychoanalysis, Politzer outlined a project of concrete psychology with some principles that guide possible perspectives of studies on psychological phenomena. His principles consist instudying psychological facts through the prism of the first person and consider man in his drama. Despite being (...)
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  29.  5
    An introduction to Decision Theory for Belief.Matheus Rui - 2024 - Manuscrito 47 (4):2023-0099.
    The aim of this paper is to delve into the epistemological challenge surrounding the qualitative and quantitative aspects of belief and credence through a decision-theoretic framework: belief emerges as a cognitive process balancing the urge for information and the fear of error. The first part is primarily historical, and delves into the philosophy of science and its concern about the acceptance of probabilistic hypothesis. In the second part, the focus shifts from the philosophy of science to contemporary epistemology, specifically the (...)
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    Frege’s Puzzle is Here to Stay: Triviality and Informativity in Natural Languages.Matheus Valente & Emiliano Boccardi - 2020 - Manuscrito 43 (1):115-150.
    Frege’s puzzling remarks on the beginning of On Sense and Reference challenge us to explain how true identity sentences of the form a = a can differ in cognitive value from sentences of the form a = b when they are made true by the same object’s self-identity. Some philosophers (e.g. Almog, Glezakos and Paganini) suggest that the puzzle cannot be set up in the context of natural languages since natural sentences, unlike those of regimented formal ones, do not wear (...)
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    Nietzsche on the dionysian and the human-nature connection.Matheus Becari Dias - 2024 - Griot 24 (3):138-149.
    This article explores the interrelation between the Dionysian artistic impulse, human nature, and Greek culture in the early works of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). With a focus on the significance of the human-nature connection, it highlights the anthropological conception of ancient tragic thought and the recognition of the role of instincts in the production of tragic art. The Dionysian artistic impulse, linked by Nietzsche to the vital drive of creation and destruction, presents, in its celebration of the reconciliation between humans and (...)
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  32.  11
    Desejo, Representação e Estado – Influências de Marx e Engels em Deleuze e Guattari.Matheus Marcus Gabriel Mellado - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):137-160.
    In this work, we will try to outline the position of desire and representation in the constitution of the capture apparatus of the imperial machine. For this, we will try to represent the way in which the libido itself is represented both in the primitive socius and in the barbarian socius. To carry out this path, we will start from two base texts: the first will be The Anti-Oedipus, where we trace the genesis of production, registration and consumption; together with (...)
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  33.  5
    Of rats and children: plague, malaria, and the early history of disease reservoirs (1898–1930).Matheus Alves Duarte da Silva & Jordan Goodman - 2024 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 46 (4):1-26.
    This article’s jumping-off point is the highly incisive but often-ignored claim by the French doctor, Louis-Jacques Tanon, in 1922 that rats acted as plague reservoirs in Paris; in other words, that they harboured the plague bacillus but were refractory to it. This claim partially reframed the fight against this disease in the French capital in the 1920s, which became more centred on surveilling the plague reservoir rather than on destroying rats. Drawing upon Tanon’s hypothesis, this article explores the emergence, evolution, (...)
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  34.  25
    Rethinking Public Opinion in the Digital Era: Towards a Post-representational Theory.Matheus Lock - 2023 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 17 (3):350-375.
    The quasi-ubiquity of ICT is transforming contemporary politics and seems to deteriorate democracy, for the technologies undermine debates, contest the grounds of reason and truth, and influence people’s votes. Donald Trump’s election and Brexit are good examples of their effects on public opinion. More fundamentally, these technologies cause theoretical problems to the way we traditionally conceive public opinion. Thus, I seek to rethink public opinion beyond conventional approaches. Departing from Deleuze and Guattari’s work, I develop the first steps of a (...)
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  35.  16
    O Banquete Aziago de Thânatos: A Presa Que Saboreia o Carrasco Na Poética Mordaz de Roberto Bolaño.Matheus Pereira de Freitas & Hermano de França Rodrigues - 2023 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 39 (2).
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    What is the aim of models in formal epistemology?Matheus de Lima Rui - 2022 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 26 (1):135-152.
    It is certainly well accepted that formal models play a key role in scientific job. Its use goes from natural sciences like physics and even to social sciences like economics and politics. Using mathematics allows the researcher to consider more complicated scenarios involving several variables. Some models are developed to make predictions, others to describe a phenomena, or just to improve the explanation of events in the world. But what has all this to do with philosophy? The aim of the (...)
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  37.  23
    As Práticas Adultocêntricas Nas Políticas Públicas Destinadas Às Inf'ncias No Brasil: Pistas Para Aproximações de Um Devir-Erê.Matheus Magno Dos Santos Fim & Janaína Mariano César - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-26.
    This article problematizes work practices with children, analyzing especially adult-centric practices and the ways in which they characterize public policies aimed at childhood in Brazil. Our study was based on the cartography method, which made it possible to monitor the uncertain psychosocial landscapes caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. It used methodological concepts from Institutional Analysis and the Sociology of Childhood, which intersected with elements of Afroperspectivist philosophy, such as represented among the Ibeji and the Erês. The methodological tool adopted was (...)
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  38.  20
    Estado e Religião Em Santo Agostinho.Matheus Jeske Vahl - 2023 - Basilíade - Revista de Filosofia 5 (9):9-25.
    Situado no norte da África durante a antiguidade tardia, o pensamento político de Santo Agostinho não está sistematizado em um conjunto teórico de obras. É fruto de sua reflexão sobre problemas concretos como a legitimidade de intervenção estatal em querelas religiosas como o conflito entre católicos e donatistas. A visão agostiniana de Estado prevê um engajamento do cristão na esfera política, não no sentido da teocracia medieval, mas tendo em vista sua purificação moral. Acredita que ele deva intervir na esfera (...)
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    Outside now: A postcard from quarantine in downtown São Paulo, 2020.Matheus Capovilla Romanetto & Isabela Capovilla Romanetto - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 177 (1):89-93.
    We discuss the way the early quarantine period during the coronavirus crisis illuminated some aspects of previous daily life in downtown São Paulo. Changes in our surroundings and withdrawal into confinement elicited a new relationship to the senses and to imagination. With that, it became apparent the degree to which the free use of these faculties is repressed by violence and inequality, as they are usually manifest in the city center. We explore the idea that some of the changes in (...)
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    The Persian Empire and classical political thought: a panoramic view.Matheus Treuk Medeiros de Araujo - 2018 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 25:1-24.
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    Economy and religious tourism: the phenomenon of pilgrimages to Marian sanctuaries. 2018. Dissertação – Mestrado em Economia, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas , Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã Portugal.Matheus Belucio - 2019 - Horizonte 16 (51):1439.
    For centuries pilgrimages are present in Christianity. For Catholics, the importance of devotions and visits to the Marian sanctuaries is indisputable. The number of visitors and pilgrims to these temples make the local economy an important destination of religious tourism. In order to understand the economic determinants of religious tourism, two sanctuaries were studied, namely, Aparecida and Fatima. Given the large collection of statistical information of the Portuguese Sanctuary, it was verified through the Vector Autoregressive model that Gross Domestic Product (...)
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    Ética e moral epicurista em Così parlò Bellavista, de Luciano de Crescenzo.Matheus Santos Bueno - 2019 - Investigação Filosófica 10 (1):31.
    Este artigo analisa, aproximando as áreas da Literatura e da Filosofia, a Moral e a Ética sob a perspectiva do filósofo grego Epicuro, na obra italiana _Così parlò Bellavista: Napoli, amore e libertà_, de Luciano de Crescenzo, publicada em 1977. Apesar das ideias de Epicuro terem sido concebidas há séculos do personagem professor de filosofia Gennaro Bellavista, este acredita que os napolitanos se comportam conforme os ensinamentos do mestre grego: pela via do prazer e pela negação das dores físicas e (...)
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    É a Memória o Critério Decisivo Para a Persistência da Identidade? O Problema da Identidade Pessoal Ao Longo Do Tempo e o Critério Psicológico da Memória.Matheus Vinícius Cavalcante - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 16 (40):367-390.
    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo, delinear o cerne do debate em Filosofia da Mente a respeito do problema da identidade pessoal ao longo do tempo. Para isso, tratarei da identidade pessoal e seus problemas, discutindo a importância do debate, definindo os principais conceitos para uma melhor investigação e dando um breve panorama histórico do problema na modernidade, bem como os principais eixos de resposta, dando ênfase à tradição lockeana que se fundamenta na memória. Em seguida analisarei o critério psicológico (...)
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  44. Quando o professor sobe ao palco: contribuições da narratologia e da teoria da motivação humeana para a educação.Matheus Cenachi & Rafaela Nunes - 2024 - Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia - REFilo 10 (1):12-1.
    Ensinar é motivar. Essa breve sentença condensa a ideia central do presente ensaio, a saber, que o ofício do professor se concentra sobremaneira na produção de ações nos estudantes. Uma aula bem-sucedida depende disso. De alguma forma, precisamos ser capazes de estimular a interação verbal entre os colegas, a realização de exercícios, reflexões, e assim por diante. A questão que se coloca, então, é: como fazer isso? Quais são as ferramentas e conhecimentos que devemos deter para que a nossa tarefa (...)
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  45.  52
    A Naturologia no Brasil: histórico, contexto, perfil e definições.Matheus Costa - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (49):428-432.
    Resenha: STERN, Fábio Leandro. A Naturologia no Brasil: histórico, contexto, perfil e definições. São Paulo: Entre Lugares, 2017. 447p. ISBN 978-89-7326-343-1 A editora Entre Lugares estreou em 2017 com uma obra de qualidade exemplar: trata-se do livro A Naturologia no Brasil: histórico, contexto, perfil e definições. Seu autor, Fábio Stern, além de graduado na área que é o objeto de seu estudo, usou com maestria instrumentos da outra área em que está se formando em todos os níveis, a Ciência da (...)
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    Daoismo Tropical: Transplantação do Daoismo ao Brasil através da Sociedade Taoísta do Brasil e da Sociedade Taoísta SP.Matheus Oliva da Costa - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (39).
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    Posicionamento político, conhecimento histórico e pensamento utópico: Uma análise com dados quantitativos de jovens dos Campos Gerais/Pr - 2017.Matheus Mendanha Cruz - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41):187-208.
    O texto a seguir tem como base teórica a tendência alemã da Didática da História, principalmente as propostas de Rüsen. O esforço feito foi para relacionar conceitos desse campo de estudo com dados levantados de forma empírica através de questionários respondido por jovens de Ensino Médio da região dos Campos Gerais/PR. As reflexões feitas se debruçaram sobre o conhecimento histórico apresentado pelos estudantes frente as questões sobre o período em que os militares estiveram a frente do governo no Brasil. Os (...)
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    “Sembrando nuevos agricultores”: contraculturas espaciales y recampesinización.Luis Fernando De Matheus E. Silva - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 34.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo contribuir en la discusión sobre el incremento del complejo y multifacético fenómeno de recampesinización que acontece en la actual etapa de desarrollo capitalista, analizando uno de sus aspectos menos conocidos que está relacionado al movimiento denominado como “contraculturas espaciales”. Las contraculturas espaciales son experimentos de organización socio-espacial de carácter “alternativo” que se popularizaron principalmente en la década de 1960. A partir de los años 1990, acompañando un nuevo periodo de crisis del capitalismo, se evidencia (...)
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  49. On the logic of Schopenhauerian pessimism: a layout of his argumentative plan and directions for a critical analysis.Matheus Silva Freitas - 2024 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 15 (2):e88194.
    Arthur Schopenhauer is predominantly considered a kind of arch-pessimist and founder of the movement classified as "modern philosophical pessimism," due to his innovative claim to maintain, in a systematic way and on “objective reasons”, that non-being is better than being. However, two other groups of scholars follow different directions. One of them does not deny Schopenhauer's pessimism but attributes it especially to subjective reasons, such as his melancholic behavior. The other group does not even consider Schopenhauer as a pessimist, but, (...)
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  50.  38
    A “guerra espiritual” no Brasil: apropriações do imaginário religioso no pentecostalismo brasileiro.Matheus Souza Gomes - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (47):1084-1085.
    The Brazilian imaginary, impregnated by an ambiguous relationship between the forces of "good" and "evil", caused some Pentecostal churches that spread here to seek this ambiguity in order to attract believers. Emphasizing the spiritual dispute in the form of a "war" in his speeches, Pentecostalism was able to organize the Brazilian religious imaginary, finding in some portions of society the resonance of its message. This systematization of the religious imaginary, which finds in the "Spiritual War" the way of manifesting itself (...)
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